You couldn't even get close to a black jack table or buy a beer. Contained coupons for a free beer, free slot play, and a few other things. They passed out coupon books to concert-goers. Didn't pass a Red Wing taxi on the way to town - pretty sure they decided to go home and go to bed. At 1:15am, we finally talked our way into a White Glove Limo Service van. Only saw 2 Red Wing Taxis show up and they packed about 10 people each into vans with room for 5. Afterward, we waited, waited, called, waited, called for 2 hours. They said they had 4 vans and promised to run vans from the venue back to town every 20 minutes after the concert was over until everyone was picked up. For the 4 of us, they charged us $30 each way. They fit us in a van that reeked of the Kool Menthols the driver was smoking. Didn't want to drink and drive so we called Red Wing Taxi. We stayed in a B&B with reservations made in the spring. All hotels at casino and in the town or Red Wing were booked well in advance (before May). Otherwise, the venue was good for a concert and the concert was also good. We bagged the food idea and drank on empty stomachs.
Regardless, lines for the food trucks were 45 minutes wait, at minimum. Perhaps part of the problem should also be blamed on the supporting facilities in the nearby town, namely the Red Wing Taxi company. They should not sell that many tickets because they cannot handle the logistics. Attended Kid Rock concert on Saturday, 8/11/18.